Storybook Favorites
Indian Epic Animals - Shiva's Family: Animals
This topic is somewhat familiar to me as my family has mentioned it to me whenever I was younger, although I may not remember much. The title page does not have any commentary on it and from it, one does not know exactly what animals are going to be mentioned. The introduction does a good job letting me know what perspective the blog is going to be from and thoroughly explains what the three stories on the next few pages are going to be about. The introduction was composed very well that I decided to go ahead and read all three stories. One aspect of the blog I enjoyed was that the stories were told from Shiva and Parvati's perspective. The images fit very well within the blog. The navigation was simple and not confusing. The theme was not too overwhelming with just the right amount of images.
Ganesha Loves His Food - Ganesha
This topic is one that I am aware of because my grandma tells me stories about Ganesha to this day. The title page tells me that the stories are going to be focused on Ganesha although there is no information on this page. The image on the title page is just absolutely breathtaking. The introduction page was very detailed and gave a lot of information on the history of Ganesha and his love for food. However, it did not go into detail about what the stories were going to be about; it just gave a couple of words. Also, one cannot tell from the introduction page what perspective the stories are going to be told from. The layout was very simple but well-designed. I loved the incorporation of pictures of sweets that were added.
Indra Lord of Thunder - Indra Vs. Thor and Zeus
This topic was entirely new to me. I am knowledgeable on the stories of Greek and Norse Mythology, but never did I know that that was also played in Indian Lore. The title page is effective in telling the readers who were going to be mentioned in the stories. The picture of thunder and lightning in the background did justice to the stories. The title page did have commentary on what the stories entailed which was helpful. The introduction gave background text for Greek and Norse Mythology which helped one understand the stories more. In the three stories that followed, one is really able to be entangled in the storytelling. It is so detailed and written well that it makes one feel that he/she is reading a book which I for one really enjoy. The layout is simple and easy to navigate. The heading of all the pages has the same lightning/thunder image which makes one remember that all three of the gods have powers coming from the skies. I would add more color to the page, but other than that I would use the layout for my project.
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