Topic Brainstorm

For my first topic, I would like to consider the tale of Hanuman. When Hindu deities come up in conversation, people very rarely mention Hanuman. I think it would be nice to put an emphasis on him and his heroic tales. Hanuman is spoken of in my household often. I do not know that much about my culture, so researching and finding information about the deities that are mentioned the most in my household could be a start. My grandmother usually tells the main tales of our deities, so I could ask her about Hanuman and get an idea from her. (My Source)

For my second topic, I would consider Krishna. I think it would be so cool to learn more about Krishna since my mum named me after him. I know that from his physical characteristics that he has a dark blue skin tone and that he loves to play the flute. Before anyone asks me, no I do not play the flute nor am I musically inclined. I also know that Krishna when he was a baby could be found sitting with a pot of ghee, or butter, anywhere he was. So I think it would be fun to discuss what the connection was with his obsession with ghee. It would be cool to put myself into his shoes and say, "What would Krishna do? Oh wait that is my name!". (My Source)

Shiva would be an interesting third topic. My mother named my older sister after Shiva, as well. Her name is Shivani. Shiva would be interesting to research because he is one form of the Trimūrti. He is the God of destruction. It would be fun to tell stories from his perspective. I know that he has fought many demons and heard a little about Shiva from my grandmother. He has a serpent around his neck and a large oval dot on his forehead. It is said to be his third eye that can destroy anyone he thinks of and reduce them to ash. (My Source)

For my last topic, I want to focus on a goddess since I have focused on three gods. I would focus on the goddess Bhūmi who represents Mother Earth. I think it would be so cool to tell stories from her point of view. For example, a character from the story would be the Earth speaking. I do not know much about the goddesses and this could be a great opportunity for me to be a little familiar with them. My grandmother can only tell so many stories, but some of these goddesses, I have never heard of. I believe this will be an interesting project. (My Source

Image of the Goddess Bhūmi Devi also known as Mother Earth (Source: Askganesha)


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